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Bonelli comics in Brazil
by Julio Schneider
with a little help from Marco Gremignai
translation by Alessandra Murray

Without a doubt the best loved Bonelli comic in Brazil is the eternal Tex, whose editorial life was reviewed in great detail in the article "The Brazilian Edition of Tex from the 1950's to today" (now updated with other covers).
As a result of following the editorial success of the ranger, many Brazilian publishing companies pubished other Bonelli comics, often inserting on the cover the words "Tex presents". Of the many publishing companies one particular company, Editora Record, merits mention. In 1989 it purchased the rights of various Italian comics and it published these with a graphic/editorial treatment that was first rate, respecting the original order of the stories and the Italian format.
This article will provide a brief summary of these comics as well as provide some interesting facts. The comics are presented in chronological order as they were published in Brazil (with the exception of "Other Bonelli comics").

Tex, which is currently available in newstands in Brazil, is published in three editions. Beyond the regular edition, which has been published since 1971 and which is beyond n. 340 in the series, there are Tex Coleção (the Brazilian version of "TuttoTex") and Tex Edição Histórica, whose covers are attached to the Italian Tex Nuovo Ristampa. Furthermore, in 1996, Editora Globo published a special Tex Almanaque do Foroeste (which corrisponds to the Italian "Almanac of the West").
On this page you will find the covers from n. 100, 200, and 300 (Italian readers will doubtlessly be pleased to discover corresponding adventures...) and from the Almanac.

Continua... next page: History of the West, Mister No, Zagor

Click on the covers to enlarge them






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