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In 1994, Dylan Dog needed a period of holiday under the Mediterranean sun, away from the foggy London and from his beloved Craven Road. So, he went in Spain...

Dylan Dog in Spain
by Ramon Aznar
with a little help from Marco Gremignai

We don't know where Dylan met the well-know drawer Alfonso Font (you may see him, in a funny caricature made by Carlos Giménez, clicking here :-) ), an author which, some years later, drawn the Texone n.12, "Gli assassini". This "meeting" produced ten beautiful covers, completed - in the first three books - by a sentence of Umberto Eco ("I can read the Bible, Homer or Dylan Dog for several days without being bored"). But only ten, what a shame...

¡Judas Bendito!

Oh yes: Dylan in Spain had even less success than other Bonelli comics (see the relevant article), since the issues of the CO&CO publishing in Barcelona ended after ten numbers, published in a "big" format (21x29,7 cm), which reproduced the issues from 8 to 17 of the Italian series.
As in other cases, the responsibilities of this failure are due to the publishers (unsuitable format and marketing) and also to the readers (lack of a true interest for this genre). The fact remains that, once again, the Spanish "fans" had not the possibility to better know a comic which, in Italy, is a true best-seller...


Click on titles to display the covers
(click here to display ALL covers)

1. El retorno del monstruo (02.94)

2. Alfa y Omega (03.94)

3. A través del espejo (04.94)

4. Diablo el magnífico (05.94)

5. ¡Killer! (06.94)

6. Están entre nosotros (07.94)

7. Entre la vida y la muerte (09.94)

8. Canal 666 (10.94)

9. El castillo del miedo (11.94)

10. La Dama de negro (12.94)



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