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Fourth chapter of the previews of Bonelli books which will be published in the USA

American Bonelli:
June 1999

editors: Marco Gremignai & Fabrizio Gallerani

Another rendez-vous with the previews of Bonelli books, on the site of Dark Horse: this month we struggle with the books of June.

If, last month, there was a little delusion for the absence of Nathan Never's cover, this time it's even worst, because 2 covers of 3 are not available: Nathan and also Martin Mystery :-( (on the other hand, the pages of Martin's book are 144!). But uBC has got this cover (drawn by Alessandrini and not by Gibbons as Dark Horse indicated) in other ways: we show it and do apologize for the image quality.

This month we also add the press release we talked about in the last number and the English "self-presentation" made by Alfredo Castelli on the pages of the official site of Martin Mystery (the original address of this presentation is: www.bvzm.com/news/news2_99.html#usa).

to be continued... next page: July 1999 (numbers 5)


Maxi covers and trailers: click on the images

Dylan Dog 4 - click (28k) 
Dylan Dog 4

Martin Mystery 4 - click (51k) 
Martin Mystery 4

Nathan Never 4 - click (cover not available) 
Nathan Never 4

(Dark Horse)


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