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Last chapter of the previews of Bonelli books which will be published in the USA

American Bonelli:
August 1999

editors: Marco Gremignai & Fabrizio Gallerani

Here the last previews coming from the site of Dark Horse, with the books n. 6, published in August.

Also this month, there is no cover of Nathan Never. But uBC will insert soon the missing covers (for the covers of the third and the fourth numbers, for example, just click here :-)

For Martin Mystery, Dark Horse has used the cover (drawn by Alessandrini) of the "Analytical Index" of Martin, published by Glamour in 1992, with some retouches (and, above all, adding the Sagrada Familia).

Last but not least, here the surprise we have announced a month ago: "how the Bonelli characters have been received in the States?" Let's go to the very interesting site named Khepri Comics Online, where people may find the reviews of the Bonelli-Dark Horse books, made by Brian Scot Johnson, with the "complete" covers (i.e. with heading, barcode etc.) and also an interview with Alfredo Castelli. Also in this case, uBC has translated (and will translate) all these articles!

Well... This preview is the last one, so I want to thank Fabrizio Gallerani (author of the entire graphical section of these previews) and also Marco Spitella and everyone who - together with my wife, Barbara - have helped me in translating the articles.



Maxi covers and trailers: click on the images

Dylan Dog 6 - click (32k) 
Dylan Dog 6

Martin Mystery 6 - click (47k) 
Martin Mystery 6

Nathan Never 6 - click (cover not available) 
Nathan Never 6

(Dark Horse)

(Khepri Comics Online)
Khepri Comics Online


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