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An interesting French site completely dedicated to the adventures of Jerry Drake

Mister No in France
by Marco Gremignai
collaboration and images by Dominik Vallet
translation by Lucia Maggi

"Finally a site about Mister No in French!" the fans of this series will say. And to the others... "Move along, please! There’s nothing interesting here for you" or, better "Stay with us anyway: you’ll enjoy it, for sure!!"

That’s the beginning of page 1 of the site Mister No: kézako?, where Dominik Vallet writes about the adventures of Jerry Drake in France, that is the 171 episodes published between 1976 and 1990 inside Mon Journal. Therefore, fifteen years of publications: a considerable success which sets Mister No just after Tex and Zagor or among the French "Bonellis" (and we should not forget the scant success of the "new heroes" - Dylan Dog, Martin Mystery, Nathan Never and Nick Raider - published in the "Collection 2 heures 1/2").

As that of a big fan and profound expert of the American pilot, Dominik’s work is really excellent. The site is divided into different sections which are dedicated, for example, to the characters that form Manaus microcosm, or to Jerry’s stories authors and drawers.

But the main section is dedicated to episodes: here Dominik has summarised nearly all the 171 monthly issues of Mister No completed with almost every covers. For the Italian browsers it’s really a mine of curiosities: e.g. there are lots of unpublished covers, since the length of a French comic book is different from the original Italian (French episodes are usually made of 82, sometimes 80, 78, pages, less than Italian ones). In this covers, whose author is unknown, Mister No is sometimes missing (!!!) or some unpleasant onomatopoeias are added...
Moreover, you can find out some translations of the titles are often bizarre and very emphatic ("Fearless Deborah" and "Terrible Delia", "The terrible secret of Atlantis" or even "Four lives for one egg" - the adventure in Easter Island...).

In the end, one final curiosity: just like uBC, Dominik’s site has an International section too, where browsers can find some foreign (not French) editions covers like some 20 Italian covers but, above all, a Greek cover and some covers that are from ex-Yugoslavia.

Well, do you like Mister No? Do you understand French? The site Mister No: kézako? is waiting for you!

to be continued... next page: List of the issues


the n.1 (January 1976)

the n.41 (May 1979: but... where's Mister No? :-)

the n.45 (September 1979: TUMF! :-)

the n.114 (June 1985, modified graphics)

Mister No in Greece and Yugoslavia (many thanks to Darko Milosavljevic)


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