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3rd/4th quarters 2001

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YEAR 2000
YEAR 2001

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Last series of Brazilian Tex in 2001, with six months together (in 2002 the structure of these articles will change...) and the unpublished covers of Villa and Ticci (to see the other covers, click on related titles)

The covers of "Brazilian" Tex:
3rd/4th quarters 2001

by Julio Schneider
with a little help from Marco Gremignai (text)
and Fabrizio Gallerani (graphics)

click to zoom
Tex n. 383 (25k)
Tex n. 383
     TEX (covers by Villa)
July 2001: n. 381 Duelo na escuridão
August 2001: n. 382 Golden Pass
September 2001: n. 383 A cidade sem nome
October 2001: n. 384 Tiros na noite
November 2001: n. 385 A revolta dos mineiros
December 2001: n. 386 Terras de fronteira
corresponding Italian books: from 465 to 469
notes: n. 381 contains an article by "our" Julio about the "censorship" on the books of the Sixties (the same article appears also in Tex Coleção n. 174); in n. 386, other article by Julio, about the "three" Kit Carson (the real one, the character created by Rino Albertarelli and the "pard" of Tex).

click to zoom
Tex Coleção n. 178 (62k)
Tex Coleção n. 178
     TEX COLEÇÃO (covers by Galep and Ticci)
July 2001: n. 174 O filho de Mefisto
August 2001: n. 175 Os quatro amuletos
September 2001: n. 176 Magia negra
October 2001: n. 177 O veleiro maldito
November 2001: n. 178 O espírito de Manitu
December 2001: n. 179 Estrela de prata
corresponding Italian books: from 125 to 129
notes: n. 175 announces the publication of the book drawn by Kubert (in March 2002); in n. 176, another article by Julio about the return of Mefisto, drawn by Villa.

     (unpublished covers by Villa)
August 2001: number 49
October 2001: number 50
December 2001: number 51
corresponding Brazilian books: Tex Coleção from 128 to 135
corresponding Italian books: from 86 to 90 & "Almanacco West" 1994

notes: the Editora Globo (in December 1997) published in n. 131 "La ballata di Zeke Colter", so the Mythos kept this order.

click to zoom
Tex Ed. Histórica 49 (31k)

Tex Ed. Histórica 49
click to zoom
Tex Ed. Histórica 50 (32k)

Tex Ed. Histórica 50
click to zoom
Tex Ed. Histórica 51 (33k)

Tex Ed. Histórica 51

     (cover by Milazzo)
November 2001: n. 8 Sangue no Colorado
corresponding Italian book: Texone n. 13
notes: the book, translated by Julio :-) contains the same poster we have reviewed in April.

     TEX ALMANAQUE (covers by Galep)
September 2001: n. 9 O tesouro de Victorio
November 2001: n. 10 O caubói sem nome
corresponding Italian books: 191/193 ("Nana lo stregone") & 202/203 ("Quattro sporche canaglie")
notes: these two stories (translated, as usual, by Julio...) were inexplicably "skipped" by Globo inside the Brazilian regular series.

click to zoom
Tex Anual n. 3 (31k)
Tex Anual n. 3
     TEX ANUAL (cover by Villa)
December 2001: n. 3 As duas faces da vingança
corresponding Italian book: Maxi Tex n. 3
notes: as you may see, the cover is the same of the Italian Maxi Tex n. 2.

More information about the Brazilian edition of Tex: click here.

Editora Mythos
www.mythoseditora.com.br /
[email protected]


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